Monday, April 6, 2009

Swai Gaiu Jeun ("Chinese cup mango")

The price for this mango varies depending on ripeness and seller, but can range between about 4 to 6 for $1.



This mango is probably the most purely floral of the four we tried today. Pleasant taste, fairly rich in sweetness

  • Smell: tropical flowers, coconut, coconut desserts
  • Taste: very full, round taste. Acidity is incorporated well into other tastes. Heavy sweetness would be overbearing if not for balance brought out by well-blended acidity. Tastes similar to pineapple (in both flavor and acid/sugar balance). In general, very rich. Also has a slight hint of powderyness.
  • Texture: Smooth and creamy feel. Low fiber
  • Color: yellow

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